Game of Bricks is a company based out in Estonia that essentially does what we do here: provide lighting kits for LEGO sets. Take a look at the parts included in the Game of Bricks light kit and what's included in one of ours, and you might not see much difference.
But if you want to buy the very best light kit for LEGO, then you'll want to understand all of your options, and that's why we've put together this (as impartial as we can possibly be) Game of Bricks review today for you to look at. Ready to hear more? Then let's get started.
Game of Bricks Light Kits
When you order a Game of Bricks light kit, you can expect a pretty standard delivery. The box will easily fit in your letterbox and inside you'll find all the lights, wires, and connectors you'll need to hook it up to your LEGO set. Parts are in separate ziplock bags, most are clearly labeled with what's inside, and all of them have a number on. So far, so clear.
There's also a user manual inside, but this is just basic information about the lighting kit parts that are applicable to ALL of their lighting kits - it isn't a step-by-step guide on how to put the lighting kit together with the specific set you ordered it for. For that, you'll need to check the email you used to set up your Game of Bricks account. There you'll find an email with a link to your step-by-step guide in the form of a YouTube video that you can follow along with to put your lighting kit together and light up your LEGO set.
That's what you can expect when you order a lighting kit through Game of Bricks, but to understand it some more, we'll need to look closer at the pros and cons based on fellow users' experiences as well as some things we've noticed ourselves...
Below is a list of everything we, and other users, love about the Game of Bricks lighting kits:
- Step-by-step YouTube guide is clear and easy to follow - you may need to pause to keep up with the fast video, but the guide is really clear
- They have a vast range of lighting kits available for a bunch of different LEGO sets
- Wires are already through the plates, so they come ready for installation, which speeds up installation time
- The wire strength is good considering how thin they have to be to navigate around LEGO parts
- Easy to hide wires, connectors, and plates, giving the resulting set a more authentic feel
- Modular structure - meaning you can leave out what you don't like and the rest of the lights will still work
As you can see, there's a lot to like about Game of Bricks, but there are elements that aren't so good too.
Here's everything we think could be improved:
- General box art - there's no way of telling which box is for which LEGO set, so if you order more than one kit from them, you might get your wires crossed, so to speak
- There seems to be a huge difference in quality - some users love it, and others have found the LED lights to be cheap, some don't work, and some even have parts missing from the kit when it arrives
- Delivery time is a big problem, and even positive reviews point to the slow delivery of these products. Whilst we appreciate this isn't always Game of Bricks fault, their delivery time targets aren't always achieved, leaving customers impatient for their kits
- Tiles and plates that hold the wires and hide them don't always sit flush to the set, and this can be frustrating from an aesthetic point of view
- Missing step-by-step physical instructions in the box which would be a real benefit to those not wanting to simply copy a YouTube video to get it done
- They have standard and classic and advanced versions of different lighting kits - and one YouTube video to explain them all, which can become a little confusing at first
Our Final Verdict
Overall, Game of Bricks offer some neat lighting kits that are pretty intuitive, and with luck on your side for quality, the lights really do look great. If you're one of the unlucky ones that get a set that isn't working as it should or has parts missing, then you'll need to contact Game of Bricks customer service (which, from what we've heard, are excellent at solving issues like this).
If you're looking for the best light kit for LEGO or the best Game Of Bricks alternative, well, there's only one place to come, isn't there? To us, of course!
What We Offer Instead...
If you're looking for a large variety of lighting kits, we've got it. If you're looking for quality lights that'll really set your LEGO sets apart from the rest, we've got it. And if you're looking for lighting kits that you can order all at once and know which kit is for which LEGO set because the box art depicts it, well, we've got that too.
The point is, we've learned from others in the LEGO lighting industry and put together LEGO lighting kits that are professional, of a high quality, and user-friendly. Are we perfect? No. But we strive to be.
Our goal is always to put customers first so our products are something you guys can use easily and enjoy. Then our next priority is quality. We want our lighting kits to look amazing when paired with your LEGO sets, so we use the best lights, wires, and connectors for the job, so not only will it look great, but it'll last the distance too because of the quality of our product.
If you want to check out the lighting kits we offer, then follow this link to shop by our Lightailing or Briksmax brand. We also offer DIY lighting kit accessories for those of you wanting to build a lighting kit for a LEGO set or the Moc builds where one isn't available yet, and you can find the parts you'll need to do it on our accessories page.

So as great as Game of Bricks is, why don't you give us a try instead? After all, if you're looking for the best lighting kits for LEGO, then Lightailing is the place to come!