The LEGO Ninjago Movie released in 2017 featuring the masters of Spinjitzu earned great popularity among animated movie lovers and Lego enthusiasts. With its iconic portrayal of the Ninjago residents who despise and are scared of Garmadon, the movie shows how in spite of being doubted for being the son of the evil lord Lloyd is actually trying to overthrow him with the help of his ninja friends. The 521-piece set of Garmadon’s Volcano Lair 70631 with shark figure and five Minifigures of Zane, Garmadon, Steve, Four Eyes and General 1 depicts the exciting scene of Zane’s attempt to infiltrate the Lair and defeat its shark army. While this small-sized model is age-appropriate for 8 to 14 years old kids, you can let anyone above 6+ years old try out installing the lights from Lightailing to the model under your guidance.
Knowing About The Garmadon’s Volcano Lair Set
Before you light up Garmadon’s Volcano Lair 70631 Lego you should thoroughly know about the structure so that you can customize not only the model with the random bricks but also the lights as per your wish.
The Volcano Lair base features the entrance that resembles Garmadon’s face, the throne room, construction zone, computer lab, drone launchpad, shell drone having foldout wings, Minifigure launching feature at the volcano tip, lava elements with translucent orange bricks and blue baseplates resembling water.
Inside the throne room of Garmadon, you will find the big seat, pot elements, and teapot, sai weapons, and arrows in the weapon rack and two fish elements inside the fish tank which can be used to build a weapon for shark army.
The Lego light sets will highlight the computer lab with a computer screen and keyboard, coffee machine, cup element and the mini prototype of piranha mech. Also lighten up the construction zone with flick missile, exploding wall feature operated by a wheel and the rotating crane for lifting shark Minifigure.
Notable features are the snapping jaws of the shark, a quiver full of arrows and bow for Zane, fish sai for General 1, katana and staff for Garmadon and fish spear for Four Eyes.
Knowing About The Lighting Kit For Garmadon’s Volcano Lair
Each accessory of the light kit for Garmadon’s Volcano Lair 70631 Lego is handmade, delicate and can be easily lost, tampered or even cause choking hazards if not kept separately from the Lego bricks. Once you complete the structure, open up the plastic packets inside the box to reveal the following –
There are 15 LED lights including five 15cm white LEDs for the throne room, three warm white light strips and a 15cm warm white LED for the entrance, nine 15cm yellow LEDs and two slow flashing 15cm and 30cm red LEDs.
Refer to the user guide and the illustrated installation steps in the instruction manual from the Lego night light kit to learn how to pass the five 15cm connecting wires through the brick separators and how to place the two 8-port and a 6-port Expansion Board.
As the lighting kit only includes the battery pack, you have to purchase three AA batteries and prepare them beforehand along with the Adhesive Square and 30 USB cable. The four random colored Lego pieces are for customization.
It is important to check each part of the lighting kit properly before setting up so that you can replace or return any defective accessory within one week. Lightailing also offers a 2-years guarantee for the products with the after-sale warranty card.