Is Your Mobile Command Center 60139 Set Having Light Kit?

The Lego Mobile Command Center 60139 model can be lightened up with the special lighting kit from Lightailing and Briksmax. These light accessories are easy to install even by those without much electrical knowledge. With the lights, the Lego model looks stunning no matter whether it is day or night, whether the room lights are on or off.

Cops in a city are always working tirelessly even in the odd hours to make sure the inhabitants are safe and the Lego Mobile Command Center 60139 set is designed to pay tribute to these heroes. With 374 pieces to assemble, this Lego City model is a beginner set and is appropriate for kids aged between six and twelve years. However, teenagers, grownups and even aged people with a young heart that still loves to enjoy Lego building would love to create a jailbreaking scenario with the model. To make the jailbreaking episode more realistic, Lightailing has launched its LED lights and accessories because jailbreaks often take place at night.

Have A Compact Idea Of Mobile Command Center 60139 Set

You know how useful the Lego City Police Mobile Command Center Light Kit  can be, but, if you have no idea about the special features of the model, you might not be able to customize with the lights.

  • The three main parts of the model are the Mobile Command Center, the ATV of the crook and the motorbike of the police. You will get Minifigures of 2 police officers, 2 crooks along with the police dog figure.
  • The Mobile Command Center is 4” tall, 2” wide and 9” long. It has the detachable truck, jail cell for 2 Minifigures and the breakout feature, screens at the monitoring room, opening roof with satellite dish, storage area with the motorbike, tools at the rear side of trailer, seat and desk –all of these can be highlighted with Lego night light
  • On the ATV of the crook, there is a hook and chain which are to be attached to the door bars of the jail cell to help the crook break out while the side doors of the Command Center opens up and the rear ramp is extended to unload the motorbike of the police.

What To Expect From Light Kit For Mobile Command Center Set?

The light kit for Lego City Mobile Command Center  is designed in such a way that skilled as well as layman, both can install the lights. Kids below six are not allowed to handle the delicate parts that can cause choking hazard and the user guide can help in further installation.

  • Among the 19 LEDs, the two 30cm, four 15cm and two 30cm blue LEDs along with the three warm white 15cm LED are for the truck, jail cell, rooftop, and monitoring room while the two 15cm yellow LEDs, one 30cm and two 15cm white LEDs, two slow-flashing 15cm blue and one slow flashing 15cm red LED are for other features.
  • You can light up Lego sets  by going through the illustrated universal instruction manual and customize the model with eleven random colored Lego pieces. Get batteries for the AA battery pack and set up the hub with 30cm USB cable, prepare Adhesive Square, two 12-port expansion boards and a 15cm connecting wire.

The accessories like backpack, mug, money bills, walkie-talkie, cones, lollypop stop signage, handcuff set and wrench are also lightened up by LED lights. Test the lights and keep the warranty card safe for 2-years guarantee.

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